Endeavour World: capital growth with less of the volatility of equities
Investment Objective: To target capital growth with less of the volatility of global equities as measured by the MSCI All Country World index, over rolling five year periods.
Comparator Benchmark: the IA Flexible Sector peer group average
Investment Philosophy: We believe structural operational advantage is the driver of companies’ long-term growth potential and we strive to identify this across all industry sectors in world markets. We recognise growth equity investments can often come with too much volatility on their own, making it an uncomfortable ride for many investors forcing them to give up on their long-term investment plans. We seek to reduce much of that volatility by combining growth with diversifying exposures to less and negatively correlated investments that may afford some downside protection and reduce volatility in times of market stress.
Investment Process: We invest in three highly concentrated sleeves of defensive equities, cyclical leadership and secular longer-term growth equities that are often less correlated to each other, meaning they tend to perform differently to each other at different points in the economic cycle. A fourth theme is diversification through exchange traded funds that may have underlying exposure to government bonds, precious metals and other less and sometimes negatively correlated investments in order to mitigate losses in periods of market stress. Unhedged exposure to ‘safe haven’ foreign currencies such as the US dollar, Japanese Yen and Swiss Franc may also afford further downside protection in such circumstances.
The Endeavour funds have historically captured high levels of ‘natural’ sustainability derived from the responsibility and accountability of company management for the broadest stakeholder interests they prioritise across their operations. Thinking about their customers as well as their employees, communities, suppliers and even the social purpose they fulfill by their very existence, these are just some of the things the Endeavour investment managers prize very highly when looking for the durability and dependability of their investments.
Companies that work hard at their environmental impact and social diversity are not merely trying to make a positive contribution to the world they operate in: they are also indicative of management cultures and governance practices that reflect the highest operational standards for the broadest interests of customers, suppliers, employees and communities…..as well as furthering the long-term interests of shareholders.
Snacks and Sodas
Highly rated by analytics providers for ESG standards
Investing in cleaner fuels and next-generation renewable energy
Snacks and Sodas
Investing in the leading names changing their industry.
Investing in the alcohol industry but in moderation
We do not invest in the tobacco industry
We do not invest in defence and military hardware manufacturers
Embedded into the Endeavour investment process
One of the most naturally sustainable funds available
Environmental, Social, Governance
The Fund’s investment managers do not seek to explicitly identify companies with the highest claims to Environmental, Social and Governance rankings and exclude all other companies. They do however value companies that work hard at these issues in the general course of their business operations because it is prudent and often right, and probably the best thing to do for the interests of the broadest group of stakeholders, including but not exclusive to shareholders.
The Endeavour Fund does not negatively screen for ESG investments based on a sense of historical or subjective ethical judgement, to avoid for example alcoholic drinks companies in the traditions of Victorain temperance societies in the industrialised heartlands of the Victorian Empire, or tobacco, fossil fuel and armaments manufacturers. Rather the starting point for the managers is that companies set their goals and responsibilities prioritising the interests of the widest stakeholder community within both the word and the spirit of the law and, with pragmatism, should set the standard in their sectors for how they go about it.
The managers of the Endeavour World Equity Fund use research support from third party providers such as Morningstar and Sustainalytics for insights into company standards across a broad range of key sustainability metrics. These agencies have rated the Endeavour funds highly ever since inception of their ratings services.
The managers of Endeavour do invest in the energy sector but we avoid businesses retaining their legacy coal assets. The oil and gas sector is not considered as unethical or uninvestable per se. Far from it, it would in our opinion actually be unethical to withhold capital investment from an industry that is today the mainstay of affordable energy and the basis of 100 years of relief from poverty and improved living standards for billions of people around the world.
However, the energy companies we invest in should also rightly be expected to be progressively shifting their operations towards cleaner fuels and investing in the development of the next generation of sustainable, renewable energy sources and committing to the optimal and credible timelines to do it in the best interests of all stakeholders.
This includes the acknowledgement by the IPCC, the International Panel on Climate Change, that the global economy has an interest in utilising the cleanest fossil fuels for baseload power supply for at least a part of the next generation.
Snacks & Sodas
It is the view of the managers of the Endeavour Fund that it is not all carbonated drink and snack food makers who contribute to the inexorable rise in obesity and diabetes rates globally.
Some businesses are leading the way with healthier ingredients, lower sugar content and replacement products and in educating their customers into new consumption habits.
We prefer to seek out and back the leaders in the Snacks & Sodas business too.
The managers do not invest in the tobacco industry.
While the products are legal to consumers, the managers believe the industry is generally of little utility to society and the companies themselves admit to their products shortening normal life expectancy.
The managers of Endeavour happen to believe this to be not a very sustainable business model long-term and would go so far as to suggest tobacco products would quite possibly be made illegal if it wasn’t for the aggressive lobbying and tax revenues harvested from the industry by governments all over the world.
Gambling and alcohol may be considered unethical by some, on principally religious grounds, but in moderation the managers of the Endeavour Fund believe they can be a welcome right to enjoy for mature self-determining adults.
They have throughout recorded history typically tended to play a traditional significant role in social cohesion though not without the risks of abuse and as such should always warrant careful regulation and ongoing education.
The managers do not invest in defence and military hardware manufacturers. Instead we see the manufacture and provision of armaments as better placed in departments of government. In and of themselves they may not be considered unethical investments as defence capability in our opinion has always played a vital part in the framework of international peace.
That said, some defence companies and some defence products supplied to some countries and regimes may well be considered unethical, in the managers’ opinion, and on ethical grounds alone may be precluded from mainstream public market investment.
Inclusion informs a broader perspective
Diversity of people and cultures, perspectives and talent is always a good thing for any business and is increasingly to be expected as a base requirement for businesses with their own increasingly diverse markets and customers.
However, setting pejorative quotas for diversity in company leadership may not, in the managers’ opinion, be entirely constructive for companies to answer to, facing as they already do tremendous challenges in the market for talent and recognising the obvious advantages diversity brings to breadth of thinking, innovation and understanding.
Almost needless to say, the managers of the Fund would abhor the thought of any of their investments being involved in modern slavery or pornography.
The managers go to reasonable lengths to ensure the required standards in investee companies, bearing in mind the Fund is relatively concentrated, overwhelmingly large market-capitalised, very well covered by market analysts, and forensically scrutinised by sustainability industry research providers whose analytics and ratings are woven directly into the Endeavour investment process.
A Philosophy of Stewardship
We are fortunate in western democratic countries to have the structures of government, institutions and accountability to trust that what is legal in our societies is broadly and increasingly – and ultimately – ethical.
We believe our investment and corporate engagement process makes a modest but relevant contribution to that evolution, a philosophy of stewardship perhaps more than a policy of purist exclusion.
Endeavour naturally appears to capture a lot of sustainability characteristics: by country and by capitalisation, by dividend and by growth, by conviction and by success, the Endeavour Fund appears to have captured more ESG factors than over 90% of the Morningstar rated fund universe in the years since their rating service was launched in 2015 (source: Morningstar, Tellsons, Sustainalytics).
Probably one of the most naturally sustainable funds available in a much-greenwashed market today, it is rather ESG that seems to have found Endeavour.
Investing made as simple as possible
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